Side-Bonus® Blackjack™ (Ten20® + Contrast®) 邊獎 21點™
Side-Bonus® Blackjack™ Uses Two Optional Side-bets on any Blackjack games (Ten-20® and Contrast®).
RULESSide-bet ONE: Ten-20® Bonus-Blackjack™
1. To begin, Players make the primary Blackjack bet, and an optional Ten-20 Bonus-Blackjack side-bet. 2. Each Player receives their initial two-card Blackjack hand. 3. The Ten-20 Bonus-Blackjack Side-bet wins if the Player's initial two-card Blackjack-hand adds up to a total of 10 points or 20 points (see Pay-table). 4. Otherwise the Ten-20 Bonus-Blackjack side-bet loses. NOTE: An Ace is always considered to have a point value of 11 for this Side-bet. Side-bet TWO: Contrast® Win-Blackjack™
1. Player makes a Blackjack wager, and an optional Side-bet (Contrast®). 2. Player receives their Initial two-card Blackjack-hand. If the Player’s two-card Blackjack-hand are the Same-color (Both-Red or Both-Black) then his Contrast® Side-bet loses; otherwise it remains in play. 3. Player complete their Blackjack game. 4. If Player lose to the Dealer, then his Contrast® Side-bet (if any) lose. 5. Otherwise ALL remaing Contrast® Side-bet wins (see Play-table). Patent Pending. ©Stephen Au-Yeung, All right reserved.
* A Few Blackjack Side-bets (Side-Bonus®):
Ten-20® | Blackjack Block® | Total Bust® | Contrast® | Odds-Win® | Perfect Trips® | Perfect 11® | Straight-Plus® | Colour-Win® | Pair+® | Flush Plus® | Pocket Flush® | Flush Bonus® | 2+1®, and Lots More.
Ten-20® | Blackjack Block® | Total Bust® | Contrast® | Odds-Win® | Perfect Trips® | Perfect 11® | Straight-Plus® | Colour-Win® | Pair+® | Flush Plus® | Pocket Flush® | Flush Bonus® | 2+1®, and Lots More.